Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects Of Glass Ceiling On The Workplace - 978 Words

As we approach the millennium, the overall framework of the workforce has been steadily flourishing. In this era, several individuals would like to think that the promotional and also hiring processes in the workplace have become fair and also impartial. However, there still exist several impediments for few individuals. The glass ceiling is a subtle framework that most organizations and employers have utilized in legally discriminating particular groups of people. Although this action is not apparently several women and also minorities have encountered challenges in advancing to higher positions in their careers due to the concept of the glass ceiling (Horn, and Schaffner, 2003). Also, several historical customs have continued to hinder the success of female individuals in various societies. Due to these customs, the glass ceiling has been created above females in their place of work. This is a serious impediment that exists within businesses that have prevented highly qualified and learned women and people from minority groups from reaching their potential in leadership positions in various corporations. Purpose of this study The paper will show the effects of glass ceiling clearly. The paper will also explore the dilemma of the glass ceiling debate with a review of the literature, applicable concepts and also the necessary recommendations and conclusions that the society and various policy makers in the corporate and government sector must observe. The research alsoShow MoreRelatedGetting More Equality For Working Women985 Words   |  4 Pagesunder the bus. Despite some progress in work areas, women still experience â€Å"a glass ceiling† and sexual harassment due to gender inequality. Therefore, it is imperative to set up more workshops to support women to get more equality at work. 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The workplace has relatively been the realm of men

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